Repost via @makeup_shawnmicah: “#Throwback#Thursday the #1990’s#KentuckyDerby#VIP, #Partywith#Aaliyah#Timbotheking#Aaliyah said,”I feel under dress”,because she had pants on. She was so #sweet,#polite#cool. The truth was I was underdressed, thats why I cropped the#picture! Lol!#Ms#Aaliyah! She was #oneinaMillion!#fabulous#diva@timbaland” | Thank you sooo much for sharing that memory with us! Beautiful pic! :o)
Aaliyah Archives: News
Just to confirm with everyone that the Aaliyah Birthday tribute/surprise that I mentioned awhile ago (if you are unaware of this tribute, click here for more information) is still in the works. I personally reached out to a few people, and thanks to @missaaliyahdana from Instagram and @surferguy01 from Twitter, they managed to get an answer from Eric Seats. As they say, you can't rush perfection, especially when it comes to anything Aaliyah related ;) We appreciate all that you are doing Mr. Seats! Keep up the hard work! One love ♥
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Repost via @radio_elvis: “Me in the Afro interviewing Aaliyah.” | This is dope! Thank you so much for sharing! Would be lovely to know more about this interview! :o)
Aaliyah Archives News: Aaliyah.PL Creative Contest
"The team has decided to put together a little contest for the fans as our way of saying thanks for all the support and love that’s been given to us over the years. You will be able to enter to win some really amazing and special prizes!
The rules:
– you need to be an author of your submission
– only one submission per person (we will accept the first one that was sent)
– your submission must be new (no already shared works)
– BE CREATIVE, there are no limitations to what you can put together (may it be artwork, videos, poems etc.) Just show us what Aaliyah means to you. How has she changed your life or inspired you? Include that thought into whatever it is you decide to create. Contest will run until 9th February to give people time to create and enter. There will be 3 main winners chosen. We will give a full list of prizes closer to the contest ending as we are still putting things together but we promise you won’t wanna miss out!
Please send all of these entries to:
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!"
A huge thank you to the for doing this. Remember that this contest is open to anyone worldwide. I too have also entered, so it will be exciting to see what is in store! ;)
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Aaliyah at her first fashion show. Photo credit via bengaljade on Tumblr. Thank you for sharing! :o)
Aaliyah Archives: News & Written Interview (CosmoGIRL! October/November 1999 Issue)
I was a bit taken back about this when I found out, but I thought I would share the news with everyone :o) One of our fellow #TeamAaliyah familia members personally asked Aaliyah's Brother Rashad Haughton about a personal stuffed monkey, in which he replied with the comment above. For all those who are unaware, it was a very sentimental toy which was given to Aaliyah by her Grandmother. In an article, which CameToGiveLove shared awhile back, you can read the written interview below where Aaliyah talks about this, amongst many other things like family, relationships, pet peeves etc... :o)
CosmoGIRL!: October/November 1999 Issue
As you can see, both Rashad and Aaliyah had the same stuffed animal toy which Aaliyah named hers Lina and Rashad Lil'. To know that it's still with her today would of meant a lot to her. But all we can say is that she is finally united with both her Father and Grandmother. This was truly touching to know...♥
#Team Aaliyah,
Aaliyah Archives,
Came To Give Love,
Magazines & Photos,
October/November Issue,
Rashad Haughton,
Written Articles
Aaliyah & Method Man: Rare Photo
Aaliyah & @methodmanofficial. Repost via @wutangpics (Thanks to @aaliyaheternal for the tag ;)) Such a dope pic! Her expression is everything! :D :o)
Irv Gotti: Shares his Memories on Aaliyah
Repost via @irvgotti187: “Happy Birthday Babygirl!! I had the honor of Producing Aaliyah on the Back In One Piece record with DMX. And I can honestly tell everyone. In my time working with her and calling her a friend. Everything that you hear about her is TRUE!! SHE WAS AN ANGEL! A true ANGEL man. When we made that record. (Shoutout and RIP to STATIC MAJOR WHO WROTE THE RECORD. ME AND LIL ROB PRODUCED) I had the studio packed with niggas. Cause I always felt I wanted niggas to love my R&B records. So I had everyone in there so the feel of the record was authentically NIGGA. Hahahah. And do you know Aaliyah. By the end of the session. Had lil nicknames for everyone. And had all these Thug Niggas feeling like she was there close friend for years. I wish Yall can actually have seen what I’m saying. It was one of the most fun sessions I had in working with her. We instantly became good friends. When she passed and I heard the news. I shed tears. Because I knew we lost someone special. But I guess GOD wanted one of his Angels. And usually when I hear people say that. I be like. Whatever. Fuck outta here. But with Aaliyah. I honestly believe that is true. WE MISS YOU. AND WE LOVE YOU BABYGIRL AALIYAH!!! I speak for the entire Hip Hop Communuity. Whenever I die. I hope to see you and have some fun with my friend again. Happy Birthday. IG” | Thank you for sharing your personal memories with us! :o)
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Repost via @realsway: “Meant to post this the other day on her Born day. Remembering & sharing this moment with #Aaliyah after a concert in the Bay. Beautiful spirit always” | Thank you so much for sharing! :o)
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Repost via @siby.fitspiration: “I’m forever thankful for your music and this picture that I took my first and last concert I saw you perform.. You are missed beyond words.. Music just isn’t the same without you.. Happy 36th birthday BabyGirl #rip #aaliyah #oneinamillion #imissyou #teamcapricorn”
Aaliyah: Interview at The Apollo, 1994 (HD Quality)
A huge thank you to Complex for sharing Aaliyah's 16th Birthday interview, in full HD quality. You can view the full video below. Enjoy my lovelies! :o) ♥
Aaliyah MTV Diary - Official HQ Video (Courtesy of
Now as you all know, has been given a new, fresh look, for the start of 2015. If that's not all, they have also been kind enough to give us HD footage of Aaliyah's MTV Diary in HD quality! I always say that there isn't enough HD video's of Aaliyah's interviews and performances, so finally things seem to be looking towards a positive light. If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to the official youtube channel which goes by the name of Aaliyah Official. Once you've done that, sit back, relax and enjoy the video below! ;) One love ♥
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Repost via @vivi_von_lee: "#TBT #aaliyah#lifestooshort 1/16/1979-8/25/2001" | Thank you for sharing! :o)
Frank Ocean: You Are Luhh (Cover Version Of The Isley Brothers and Aaliyah)
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Repost via @313loladamone: “My big sis @motorcitydancefactory and #Aaliyah .. Happy bday baby girl.. #capricorn #goat” | Thank you for sharing!
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Repost via @dleestyle: “… polaroid… Sunset & Vine… #BG #Aaliyah #Birthday #BabyGirl” | Thank you for sharing this never before seen picture! :o)
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Repost via @sgrayunlimited: “Happy 36th Birthday Aaliyah! Gone But Never Never Forgotten. It Always was a pleasure to work with you or to simply be in your space. #HappyBirthday #stacywashair #sgrayunlimited #slayedbystacy #setlife #celebrityhair #celebritymakeupartist #brooklynhairstylist #nychairstylist #sobeautiful #rip #Aaliyah” | Thank you for sharing! :o)
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Via Missy Elliott on Twitter... “Aaliyah there’s not a day I don’t hear u laughing & cracking jokes! Ya fans hold u dwn We ❤️u Babygirl”
Aaliyah: Special Message From Jonathan Mannion
By @jonathanmannion: “The beautiful Aaliyah Dana Haughton would have celebrated her 36th Birthday tomorrow, 1/16/15. In celebration of her life, I felt compelled to give back to so many people who have been inspired by her exceptional talent, confidence and strength. She had one of the sweetest spirits that I’ve ever encountered. I’m honored to have collaborated with her and to have the ability to share these truly special images with you. Tomorrow at 11:11am EST, I will release this signed limited-edition 5x7 print for purchase from my archives for $100. It will be available for 24 HOURS ONLY at I thank all of the Aaliyah fans for the constant support that you show me by posting my photos of her and for keeping her legacy soaring! I encourage everyone to begin to collect art that moves your soul. Blessings."
Aaliyah Archives: News
For those who are not aware please check out the new launch of You won't be disappointed! ;)
"I stay true to myself and my style, and I am always pushing myself to be aware of that and be original."
I love the fact at how the main site has the very same quote I dedicate my blog to, as well as everyday life. To me, this quote defined everything that Aaliyah stood for. And she did so in the way she carried herself physically and mentally. Definitely identical to none...
Aaliyah Birthday Tribute: Tiger Poster By Kristan McArthur
Since no one else really reached out to me in regards to tributes apart from this person here, I will be posting tributes which I like instead. Anyhoo...I would like to thank Kristan for sharing this beautiful piece with myself, and because of that, you are the chosen one to be featured on our blog! ;) I also enjoyed reading the email she sent...
I wanted to share a special design I made of Aaliyah. Since I was 10 years old, I have always been a fan of Aaliyah's work when she came on the scene in 1993/1994. I remember hearing Age Aint Nothing But a Number for the first time on the radio and asking my mom to take me to the music store to buy her cassette tape!!! I am 31 years old now and still admire and look up to Aaliyah. Her creative and humble spirit still shines on to this day. This is my birthday gift to her this year...Happy 36th Birthday Aaliyah /.\
Thank you for sharing lovely! This is truly beautiful beyond words! :o) For more information you can find Kristan via Facebook and her website via
Happy 36th Birthday To Aaliyah Dana Haughton!
"A Special Message from the Haughton Family. Very early in the morning on January 16, 1979 Michael and I brought Aaliyah Dana with the blessing of God into the world. It took 15 minutes for her to make her presence known. Michael said "I have a beautiful baby girl". Thus the sweet name that followed her through life. We took her home soon after and she met the brother that would love her and that she would love for the next 22 years.Waiting, Mom, Dad, Ra"
Happy 36th Birthday Aaliyah. I wanted to draw something unique and meaningful for this special day. Aaliyah was always very fond of Egypt culturally and historically. She showed this fondness within what she wore and did musically, mixing eastern with R&B and western flavor. Today we celebrate her life. The Ankh symbol (which Aaliyah had as a tattoo) symbolises ETERNAL LIFE. And I wanted to show this love and beauty by writing her name in Egyptian Hieroglyphics. She truly lived up to her name, and I bless her family for sharing such a warm hearted, beautiful spirit. She lives on eternally within all our hearts.
Aaliyah: Fashion Pieces (Karl Kani)
So I was browsing through @karl_kani site and I noticed this hoodie on his site. I couldn't
help but to think "Hmm....I'm sure I have seen this somewhere before"
Than I realised I was in fact correct! :D The original innovator in
fashion during the 90's. I love how the leather sleeveless jacket is
thrown on top! Now if only I could find the source of that jacket!! Love me some leather! :o)
Aaliyah: Fashion Pieces
Written by somerepulsiveimp via Tumblr. (Thank you for the mention! It's nice to know that my hard work doesn't go in vain!)
"Vibe Magazine, Aug 2001 - Special Illustration Issue, fashion spread illustrations by Alvaro and styling by Angela Arambulo.
Sequined butterfly top: Christian Dior RTW F/W 2001
Silk Pantsuit: Versace RTW F/W 2001
Even though these are not photos of #Aaliyah, these are beautiful illustrations pegged as a 'pending' fashion spread in the article, so I thought it would be cool to identify these runway items. Courtesy of The Aaliyah Archives, and Style Bistro."
I pretty much stumbled upon this post by chance, since I was like hey! That's my blog! Lol! It is nice to know where the original fashion pieces come from, hence why I am sharing this post with you all. Enjoy! :o)
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Repost from @thatguyyouneed: "This picture was a week before she died, One of my old neighbors won a radio competition for a meet and greet I guess for Aaliyah to come to their house... So I was lucky enough to meet her #FortWashingtonMD#Aaliyah" | Thank you so much for sharing! :o) :D
Aaliyah Archives: My Personal Collection
My Aaliyah goodies which arrived last week! Nothing beats having the physical copy at hand! :D I will be sure to scan these and share them with you all, when I get a chance, so stay tuned! ;)
Happy Birthday Michael Haughton!
Since we all know Aalyah's Birthday is coming up next week (Friday to be precise) it is also Mr. Michael Haughton's Birthday today, so the Aaliyah Archives would like to wish him a very Happy Birthday! :o)
Aaliyah Archives: News
In response to peoples questions regarding Aaliyah's Superfest performance in 1997, please visit for the full information which includes screenshots of emails which were sent to Tom Jensen (the guy who filmed/live directed these performances) AND as evidence to validate our actions. Please do not jump to conclusions unless you have fully read this, since people are quick to assume without clearing up the facts first. Bare in mind we are all confused as to why Rashad sent that tweet. I was actually going to post details on this today, since I saved it as a draft lastnight on my blog.
I am outraged at the fact of how some people are painting out some of the Aaliyah fan bases as money greedy people, when this is not the case at all. When it comes to obtaining rare pictures/footage unfortunately they all come at a price, and not a cheap one either. Some of us have even taken money out of our own back pockets just to keep you all satisfied with rare material. Which, I can assure is not an easy task to do.
As a collective, we thought it would be something nice to give for the fans which was by the fans since there simply isn't enough HD videos of Aaliyah's performances (Note that we were trying to obtain rare, unreleased and existing HD quality footage from this event, by raising money which the owner was willing to part ways with for $4'500) Everything was conducted through the right channels, and our main priority with anything is to always gain consent from The Haughtons. If you read the email on AaliyahAlways blog, you will see this written in black and white. Right now we are trying to get to the bottom of this, so I apologise on behalf of myself and all of the other Aaliyah fan pages for the confusion we are dealing with. This was not how we set it out to be.
Aaliyah Archives: News
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This is something which I don't normally do, but anyone who wishes to share with me their personal tributes, videos, artwork, poems etc... for this special day, can do so by emailing me via where I shall personally feature you on my blog! ;) And as always, I shall also be sharing a personal tribute from myself :o)
If you haven't already checked the official Aaliyah site, The Haughton's have sent us all a little message, with a beautiful video to show their love and appreciation which you can read below here...
A Welcome Letter from the Haughton Family...
January 16th
We open this site so people will remember,
enjoy and love the talent,
soul and spirit of Aaliyah,
"the highest most exalted one"...
The Haughton Family
We open this site so people will remember,
enjoy and love the talent,
soul and spirit of Aaliyah,
"the highest most exalted one"...
The Haughton Family
To the Wonderful Fans, "That's What Friends Are For"
This was truly beautiful to see! :o) The Haughton's know that #TeamAaliyah will always stay by their side through good and bad times. No matter what happens, "that's what friends are for" ;)
Aaliyah: Rare Photo
Photo credit by @art_earth_adventure: "Ha I found d picture of myself with Aaliyah. Look at us!! So young! She was same age as me, and I was fascinated by American culture and her life back then. She was a beautiful girl.#Aaliyah" | Thank you sooo much for sharing such a beautiful picture! :o) :D
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