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Aaliyah: 'Planet Of The Apes' Film Premiere, 2001 (Rare Photo)

๐Ÿ” courtesy of @gtvreality ๐Ÿ˜Š❤ What a dope #throwback! Thank you for sharing this behind the scenes moment, of Aaliyah at the 'Planet Of The Apes' Film Premiere back in 2001! 


Aaliyah: Rare Photo

๐Ÿ” @eazy_duane_99 cousin with Aaliyah. Thanks to both @eazy_duane_99 and @aaliyahxeazye for sharing! ๐Ÿ˜Š❤ 


Aaliyah: Focus With Jonathan Mannion: Hip Hop's Iconic Photos Revealed (Parts 1 to 4)

Perspective Edit Made By Yours Truly. Photography By Jonathan Mannion.
Sorry I've not been posting as much everyone! I was ill a few weeks back, plus it was my birthday a few days ago too ๐Ÿ™ˆ, but I am back, and ready to share everything pertaining to our beloved Babygirl! So for anyone who has missed out, you can keep tabs on our site! ๐Ÿ˜‰

As some of you may be aware, yesterday BET uploaded a few videos via Youtube, as well as, showcasing a 1 of 4 parts documentary titled 'Focus: Hip Hop's Iconic Photos Revealed', which features photographer Jonathan Mannion (one of my favourite photographers of all time!) who gave us a sneak peak into his archives (Aaliyah's last ever photoshoot before she passed away) of never before seen, rare images of Aaliyah (Videos 1 & 4). 

All I can say is wow! Once you watch these videos, you'll be in complete awe of how he captured such a fun, care free side to Lili (something which we rarely ever get to see in her photoshoots). And for all those who are Hip-Hop heads, all of these videos will definitely give you an even more in-depth look behind the scenes, as well as shared memories from Mannion himself.

(PART 1)

(PART 2)

(PART 3)

(PART 4)

I was unable to embed their video into the site, but here's the link! Hopefully they'll upload this to Youtube! ☺️ Also, as a little treat I was having fun by making perspective edits, so here are a few I have made so far...

As you can tell, they're not the best quality, but it gives us an idea as to how the images look at the right perspective. I plan to make a few more, so be sure to keep tabs via my Instagram and Tumblr page! Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜‰