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Aaliyah Archives: News

In response to peoples questions regarding Aaliyah's Superfest performance in 1997, please visit for the full information which includes screenshots of emails which were sent to Tom Jensen (the guy who filmed/live directed these performances) AND as evidence to validate our actions. Please do not jump to conclusions unless you have fully read this, since people are quick to assume without clearing up the facts first. Bare in mind we are all confused as to why Rashad sent that tweet. I was actually going to post details on this today, since I saved it as a draft lastnight on my blog. 

I am outraged at the fact of how some people are painting out some of the Aaliyah fan bases as money greedy people, when this is not the case at all. When it comes to obtaining rare pictures/footage unfortunately they all come at a price, and not a cheap one either. Some of us have even taken money out of our own back pockets just to keep you all satisfied with rare material. Which, I can assure is not an easy task to do. 

As a collective, we thought it would be something nice to give for the fans which was by the fans since there simply isn't enough HD videos of Aaliyah's performances (Note that we were trying to obtain rare, unreleased and existing HD quality footage from this event, by raising money which the owner was willing to part ways with for $4'500) Everything was conducted through the right channels, and our main priority with anything is to always gain consent from The Haughtons. If you read the email on AaliyahAlways blog, you will see this written in black and white. Right now we are trying to get to the bottom of this, so I apologise on behalf of myself and all of the other Aaliyah fan pages for the confusion we are dealing with. This was not how we set it out to be. 

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