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Tk-N-Cash: Girls Love Aaliyah

Hey guys! :o) Here's a little 'suttin suttin' I got for all of you. I found this track randomly on youtube, as it sprung my curiosity just from the title alone. Let's face it, it's the truth, all girls and women, young and older love Aaliyah and look up to her as a positive role model. TK-N-Cash who do their own rendition of the original track from Drake's – Girls Love Beyoncé show us how a remix is meant to be done, by cleverly using certain song references from Babygirl, relating them to their own story telling, of everyday common relationship problems, which we all can relate to. Personally I love both versions, but the way that these guys made the song so meaningful, thinking through each verse and lyric, I gotta show some love for the remix! So listen and enjoy! :o)

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