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Aaliyah: Rare Photos Courtesy of Jake Chessum

🔁 via @jakechessum: "Another previously unseen shot of Aaliyah sitting on the shoulders of her bodyguards. This was a spontaneous idea and everybody was happy to participate. The guy on the left of the frame wasn’t quite as tall as the guy on the right and he’s standing on a small apple box! Today is the 19th anniversary of her passing. #aaliyah #london #theface #thefacemagazine #wayback #late90s #editorial #rip #unpublished #outtake"

"A previously unseen shot from my 1995 shoot with Aaliyah. #aaliyah #unpublished #thefacemagazine #babygirl #rip #nineteenyearsago"

"#unpublished #contactsheet of #aaliyah from my #photoshoot for #theface #photographed in #london #mid90s. Today is the #anniversary of her passing. #rip #babygirl #detroit"

(Quotes are for each image in order from top to bottom)

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