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Aaliyah: The Red Album, A Live Instrumental Tribute (August 25th, 2020)

πŸ” via @annietheproducerjules: THE YEAR IS 2 0 2 0!

STAY TUNED FOR A VERY SPECIAL tribute happening for the great πŸ‘πŸΎ ❤️πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸŽΌπŸŽΉπŸŽ§✊πŸΎπŸ‘‘
Legendary Singer/Actress/Dancer/Model Aaliyah! Tune in live on August 25th at 8 PM Eastern time and 5 PM Western time! The tribute will be simultaneously broadcast on both Facebook and Instagram, paying homage to a wonderful woman that was truly One in A Million!

Big ups to @thelogosmakers for animation design @ericseats for producing great πŸ‘πŸΎ classics on this album! Flyer by @kalibtracks. Photography pic of me by @thierryedejean

So excited for this! Cannot wait! πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ŒπŸ½❤ 
Be sure to tune in on August 25th for this live tribute dedicated to Aaliyah on both Facebook and Instagram! Key Beats producer Eric Seats who is known for his production on the Red Album for songs such as 'Rock The Boat' and 'Extra Smooth' will be a part of this exciting live dedication! You definitely don't want to miss out, so be sure to spread to all your friends, family and loved ones! ✌🏽❤️

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