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Aaliyah: 15th Anniversary Tribute

Drawing created by yours truly 

Day 25: Why You Miss Aaliyah #25DaysOfAaliyah ❤ My late tribute for the 15th anniversary 🙊💕 With anything that I start I always like to finish it till the end. Everyday is an Aaliyah day for me too, so why should just one particular day be any different from the others? I sincerely apologise on being so busy for this 15th anniversary month. So for anyone who missed out on all the rares etc.. I shall be updating the site soon! 

I literally miss everything about Aaliyah as a person, entertainer and role model. She was the very first person whom I looked up to as a kid, and she taught me how to be the woman I am today. Guiding me through different scenarios of her songs which gave me answers without even realising it. She truly was the big sister that I had never had. 

Her balance of beauty, brains, confidence as well as her humbleness is what I miss most. There are very few people in this world like that nowadays. She was so well grounded and never once complained about anything. When I look at all these rare images which have come to surface, there is one thing in common which I have always noticed, and that’s Aaliyah’s big heart of gold and generosity. She was so kind and giving, not even expecting anything back in return. This is what made her different from the rest. 

The very fact that after 15 years, her influence is still around amongst both men/women as well as boys/girl, only proves at how legendary she truly was. You are dearly missed Babygirl. No days go by where I don’t think about what you would be doing, had you still been alive today. It was definitely not your time to go, but I hope you are smiling in the heavens above like this drawing. Because that’s the Aaliyah we all remember and love! #RIPAaliyah 🙏💚

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