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Aaliyah: Paris, 2001 (Rare Photo)

🔁 via @kerribrownmusic on Facebook “My #tbt photo!!! In 2001 I was on a trip to Europe, and while in Paris, I ran into the singer Aaliyah by the ferris wheel at the end of Champs Elysees. Completely star stuck, as she was filming for MTV, we asked for a picture and she so sweetly said of course! One month later, her plane went down when she was leaving the Bahamas after shooting her last music video for "Rock The Boat”. This picture […] I have a blown up amazing quality shot on my wall. Only 22 years old and made such an amazing mark in the music industry. “If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again…”
My heart 😭😭😭💔

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