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Aaliyah: Rare Photo

🔁 via @nynightclubbing: “Lollipop alert I zeroed in and inadvertedly cut out best friend Kidada in the corner .Sometimes there is only seconds to make the right decisions with many other aggressive photographers poised and ready to “kill” for their shot ! Lol it is all about access and since Getty rules the industry as a lone wolf (woman) on top of it all I was blessed and so many wonderful people along the way gave me a CHANCE of a lifetime . Thank you in this case it was Lizzie Grubman pr. AND Tommy and Andy Hilfiger at TOMMY GIRL.” | Such a dope pic! Thank you for always sharing these rare images of Babygirl! 🙏🏽💚 This particular one describes so many moods! What caption would y'all have for this #TeamAaliyah 😉 

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