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Aaliyah Archives: News

What's good #TeamAaliyah? I thought it's been awhile since I've done an update on the site, so for those who do not know, I recently decided to embark on a journey of launching my own art store for all of my Aaliyah artwork. It's something which I have personally wanted to do for a very long time now, as well as doing something personal and meaningful for The Haughton's. With each purchase, a small percentage of the proceeds will go towards the Aaliyah Memorial Fund, this is just my little way of giving back to The Haughton Family 🙏💚

As of today, sale dates are now on from 14th August till 18th August. To purchase just click on the tab above which says 'Art Shop' or alternatively you can visit the link via

Thank you to everyone who’s been supportive so far! I truly appreciate you all! I also want to personally thank @aaliyahalways for being one of my biggest inspirations for even starting this, as well as my fanpage/site! You’ve been a main source for this fanbase for many years now, and I honestly cannot picture it without you! Love you to the moon and back! 😊😘❤

On that is our personal favourite from the collection 😉...

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