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Aaliyah: Rare Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Mannion

So photographer Jonathan Mannion posted this never before seen picture a few days ago via his Instagram page with a beautiful quote saying...

Jonathan Mannion: "A never before seen photo of the naturally beautiful Aaliyah Dana Haughton. Remembering how truly sweet she was on that summer day in New York. It was effortless for her to command the frame with grace and elegance. Aspire to understand these traits that seem to elude so many people today. I'm honored and blessed to have created these timeless images with her. I applaud all of her amazing fans for being inspired by her example, her career and talents! Thank you for enjoying my work."

Throughout all the drama that has been going on right now, I can truly say that these rare gems make my day, so thank you Jonathan Mannion for sharing this with everyone! :o) 

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