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Aaliyah: NME Magazine, 2001

Here is something I have come across for awhile now, but wanted to share with you all since it touches a personal, soft spot in my heart. We all know that Aaliyah was talented in many forms, she could sing, dance and act. For me, I can tell instantly when someone is a great actor in comparison to someone who is over-acting too much, since it never comes across as genuine or to be more specific, REAL. In this tiny written interview from NME Magazine, Aaliyah talks about one of her 'crying scenes' from the film Romeo Must Die. In order for her to do this role, Aaliyah thought about her Grandmother's death a year before, to evoke that raw, powerful emotion from herself.

Now I'm not one for discussing my personal life, but I find it helps give all you readers an insight on the type of person I am. The reason why I felt so touched by this article was because ten months ago (coming nearly close to a year soon) I lost my Grandmother too, so whilst reading this, I could truly relate to what Babygirl was saying. Sometimes when we encounter a tragic event in our lives, we try our best to put on a brave face, smile and front to others as if nothing is wrong. However, when you allow yourself to fully open yourself up and express that raw emotion within, yes it can be very tiring and draining, but as they say, it's better out than in. Below, Aaliyah talks to us about how she felt whilst doing this scene, showing us how professional and dedicated she was towards her acting career. 

Aaliyah: "It’s funny, when you want to cry you kind of want to cover yourself but I was told you have to be open and let yourself yell out and that will help you to cry, and it actually did. So it was very draining but I had such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment because those are real, they’re not fake tears".

For NME Magazine, 2001

(Source – itsmyrayeraye)

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