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Happy 41st Birthday To Aaliyah Dana Haughton!

A star is born...#HappyBirthdayAaliyah! πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰Here's to celebrating your forever eternal life on what would of been your 41st Birthday πŸ™πŸ½ Crazy to think that after all these years, you would of given us so many more years 😩 but we are blessed either way to have known just a beautiful, kind hearted spirit. Hope you're having a ball up there wherever you are. Love you #Babygirl ❤

Also...since I've not posted anything on here for awhile...Happy New year! 😊Will be posting some gems not only from Aaliyah's birthday month, but also ones from last year which we were unable to post due to other things outside of the fanbase. Be sure to keep an eye on our YouTube page also, since we will be adding some new content for y'all to enjoy! Here's to repping out beloved Babygirl to the fullest! πŸ™ŒπŸ½❤️

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