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Aaliyah: Rare Photo (FYE Album Signing, July 17th, 2001)

🔁 via @belitefit: “The only photo I could get. (You know those carry cameras 📷 from back in the day I grabbed one of my moms and it only had one shot in it.) She was mad fly, angelic and smelled so damn good. Gave me a big hug and autographed her cd for me. Gave me some kind words. Aaliyah was everything then like two weeks later the tragic event happened. I always keep this day close to me. She had the Pink Navigator Truck with her face on the hood and everything. I real star 🌟 #Aaliyah #RIP #Love #TBT#FYE 🙏🏿✌🏿#Memories | Wow…absolutely love this story! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful gem and memory with us all! 🙏🏽💚 Her smile is everything! 😍😍😍

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