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Static Major: Rare Photos Courtesy of Jonathan Mannion

As you all know, I'm a huge fan of Static Major, unfortunately his life was cut too short, just as Aaliyah's was. I happened to post this on all my other social media pages, but realised I had not posted it on my main blog :D His Birthday was 6 days ago, and to celebrate, I happened to come across some rare out takes courtesy of one of my favorite photographers @jonathanmannion with the caption…

“This #FlashbackFridaytakes us to Kentucky where I photographed the group #Playa. It was the first shoot that I did for @ceyadams at the Drawing Board and kicked off what would become a relationship with @defjamrecords that continues to this day!! This shot of my brother #StaticMajor (Stephen Garrett) is a reminder of how precious life is. Rest in peace. #Cheers2You for your many accomplishments (including a Grammy) and for the beautiful music you have left for us to enjoy.” 

Amen to that! I couldn’t agree more! I have never seen these pics before, so I thought it would be nice to share with everyone! Enjoy! ;) 

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