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Aaliyah Archives Celebrates its 2nd Year Anniversary!

So…I was planning on what I would write for my blogs 2 year Anniversary/Birthday which is today, and to my pleasant surprise the lovely @legacy_of_aaliyah made me this beautiful edit to mark the occasion. Thank you so much dear! Definitely was not expecting this at all. It’s hard to believe that 2 years today was when I decided to dedicate a site in memory of our beloved #BabyGirl. I remember for so long being inspired by many other #Aaliyah fan pages prior to starting out. After years and years of waiting, this was the day where I had an epiphany moment, the day I decided to become #AaliyahArchives. I thought long and hard about this name, since there were so many other fan page names out there. I wanted something simple, yet deep and meaningful. #AaliyahArchives felt very appropriate, since the whole essence was to archive lost footage, rare images and to just keep Aaliyahs’s memory and legacy alive. It also looks back into the past, which essentially are what ‘archives’ are all about. To this very day I am truly grateful and blessed to have made the friendships I have. Most importantly….I appreciate all the loyal readers of my blog, without your love and positive feedback, I dont know what I would do without you. Not only do I do this out of love for Aaliyah, but also to share this love with #TeamAaliyah. You are all like family to me, so thank you guys for just being the beautiful individuals that God created you as. One love ♥ 

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