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Eric Seats Leaks Remix Snippet Of Aaliyah's: 'Rock The Boat'

Yes you read that right! Eric Seats who you all know produced on Aaliyah's self titled red album, known for producing the ultimate, sultry Rock The Boat has given us a teaser of a never before heard remix version :o) I was literally screaming with joy when I saw this! Lol! So many remixes have come to surface lately, I simply cannot wait until we get to hear these in full, because all these producers who worked with Aaliyah are just teasing us now! Come on now guys! Really? lol! Anyhoo, peep the video below and jam away! The beat sounds sooooo dope! :D :D :D

Eric Seats: #Aaliyah #RockTheBoat #Remixed #OfficialLeak #KeyBeats #ES333

A video posted by Eric Seats (@ericseats) on

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