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Aaliyah: Rare Photos

🔁 via @charlandraj: “Happy 40th Birthday to the beautiful @aaliyahhaughton. I remember when I first met her in Hawaii in 1994-95 at Club Reni near downtown Honolulu, Hawaii. I was an active duty soldier stationed at Schofield Army Base. My friends and I snuck Aaliyah in the club because she was only 15 or 16😂😂. She was so beautiful inside and out and we met up with Aaliyah and her mom the next day at the beach near Waikiki. Aaliyah asked me a question, “Why did I join the military? Because I didn’t look like the military type”. Well I told her I wanted to travel and I didn’t want to attend college right after high school so I decided to join the military and I’m glad I did because I met my wonderful husband and I have some special testimonies from serving in the military as a woman. #ripaaliyah #rip #1994 #1995 #hawaii #honolulu #waikiki #havingfun #militarywomen #aaliyah #aaliyahdanahaughton #oneinamillion #inspiration”
Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful memory! 🙏🏽💚

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