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Happy 19th Anniversary to Aaliyah's Red Album!

Happy 19th Anniversary to Aaliyah's self titled album, also known as Aaliyah's 'baby' and what we as fans dearly know it as the #RedAlbum. 19 years ago today on July 17th 2001, a masterpiece was released! 😎🙌🏽❤

A timeless classic that stands the test of time, Aaliyah's self titled album was the blueprint for so many artists of today's music. The magic that people made on this iconic album such as people like Static Major, Eric Seats, Rapture Stewart and J-Dub, truly captured the essence and spirit of Aaliyah both lyrically and musically. The very fact that this album was released in 2001, you would never think the music from this album reflected that era. This is something that continually amazes me as there were a lot of tracks which were recorded in the the mid and late 90's which actually featured on this masterpiece. A classic example would be 'I Care 4 U', a song which was originally intended for Aaliyah's second studio album 'One In A Million', but ended up being used on her third album instead! Crazy right?

Truth be told, no one was creating those sounds back then which is very telling as when you listen to this album, it sounds as fresh today then it ever did even back then. Baby Girl was truly ahead of her time, her vision of what and how she wanted things. Even the Japanese animation advert that was used and created by Warren Fu, was genius in terms of how everything was promoted and marketed. So with all that being said, let us take a trip down memory lane and listen to this full album below and celebrate a never ending legacy that we will never forget! ❤️

For a lot of fans I know it is very difficult to get a hold of Aaliyah's music via streaming platforms, and as fans there have been 2 petitions going around to help get Aaliyah's music, so if you would like to help, please sign both petitions below and spread the word to all your friends, families and loved ones! 

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