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Aaliyah: Disney Grad Nite, 1997 (Rare Photos)

🔁 via Amy Zellner Stevenson on Facebook - “Throwback Thursday! Hanging with Aaliyah at Disney World […] my friends and I were in Orlando for a conference and she was performing for Grad Nite. […] She was a really sweet person. We took about 10 pictures with her like we were doing a photo shoot! LOL. She had no problem with it. Class act. […] Tracy and I were standing outside the hotel when her van pulled up and Tracy said "That’s Aaliyah!” Then I said “No its not!” When I realized it was her, I said get the camera! LOL"
Wow what a story! I would of been the same if I saw Aaliyah too! It’s like one of those once in a lifetime opportunities that you don’t know if it will ever happen again. So ceasing every moment and capturing every moment brings life to your memories forever. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙏🏽💚

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